isolation terminal
Isolation Terminal emerges from a state of mental isolation which was collectively experienced during the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. It touches on the different mental journeys which drive the body and manifest themselves through abrupt and anxious movements in the search for internal healing.
In this music video, dance presents itself as a mechanism through which to show the transience and harsh violence of the mind, as well as the compulsive and self destructive thoughts found in states of extreme disassociation. The body emerges through a performance orchestrated by the rhythm of the music, which does not allow for pauses and which ends with a final fall; a mutilation of the corporal as the only way to reconnect with the deepest form of the self.
Duality is represented through the dancers, who choreograph a space of struggle without relief. Only at the end do they appear in the same shot in an embrace, giving space to calm and a form of rebirth which emerges from a space of forgiveness and acceptance of Otherness.
Directed by
Paula Romero
Creative idea
Paula Romero I Marta Cortés I Malva Soler
Performance by
Cristina Barcaza I Malena Grilli
Team Boot by (Yushh)
Malva Soler
Camera Operator
Juan Carlos Cerrudo
Mark Vaugahus I Jacobo GRC
Edited by
Malva Soler
Colour Grading by
Juan Carlos Cerrudo